Monday, January 12, 2015

to my knowledge hell has not frozen over....

When I was a little girl, in the early 70s, we lived for 3 years in Columbus Mississippi. At that time {and especially} place the double dutch jump rope was the bomb diggaty on the playground. I memorized all the songs and chants and I watched for hours on end the girls who nonchalantly hopped into the middle and gracefully jumped as the rope thumped the ground. I finally worked up the nerve to ask for my turn, they obliged and 2 "turners"  started twirling the ropes. At a safe distance I rocked back n forth with my hands extended in front of me to "feel' the was the custom...before stepping into the fray. Trouble was it seemed so over whelming that I spent so long rocking back and forth "fixin" to jump in that the bell rang...the rope was dropped and everyone ran inside. Well that my friends is what has happened to this blog I got behind n then more behind n then more behind n then I knew what I wanted to say and I certainly have great subject matter I just couldn't get the rhythm and it seemed too big a task. So here's what I plan on doing...starting where I am and adding interesting "yesterdays" at the end of each post. And before you my knowledge hell has not frozen over. :) Thank you thank you thank you for those who have kept checking or asking about the blog. I hope you will not be disappointed. Oh and make sure you click to click the button to follow me by email...if you'd like to get post updates.